General rulings

  1. Received from Jordan Simpson (Projectile Dysfunction)
  • Proposal to increase the maximum number of players a team is allowed to sign from 14 to 18 or remove maximum limit on players entirely. Reason for proposal is that a lot of players in the team work late or shifts, others are young parents so are unable to commit every week, it should be seen as encouraging sign so many are keen to help out with many of new ones having not played darts before.
  1. Proposal from Alasdair Harmsworth (Gypsyaires)
  • Proposal for a reserve pot of players to be set up who did not want to commit to 1 team but could be called on by any team who were struggling for players on a Friday night.
  1. Proposal From Maurice Clark (WSC)
  • Should a team not have the required amount of players to field a full team, they are permitted to make up to 2 emergency signings on the night. This can be people from an emergency pool of players if one is created, people from the venue and also players from the opposing team if they have extra players and the opposing team is in agreement. This would only be for that night and any ‘extra’ players signed on the night can play for other teams in the future. This would hopefully lead to fixtures being able to be fulfilled and less postponements.

  1. Proposal from Gareth MacRitchie (Posties)
  • Amend last sentence of “Rule 16” from Failure to play on this date may result in a points deduction and the committee setting a score line.


Failure to play on this date may result in a points deduction and the committee setting a score line of 6-0 for a “10 game” fixture and 7-0 for a “12 game fixture” in favour of the team who has been cancelled against.


  1. Proposal from Iain Balance/ Bar stewards
  • Proposal for League Matches to return to 3 doubles games, best of 3 legs, 6 singles games, best of 3 legs. No beery leg.

  1. Proposal from Stuart Paul (Posties)
  • Proposal for League Matches to return to 3 doubles games best of 3 legs, 6 singles games, best of 5 legs. No beery leg
  1. Proposal from Gareth Pottinger (Ajax)
  • Proposal for League Matches to return to 3 doubles games best of 3 legs, 6 singles games, best of 5 legs. Beery leg to be played

  1. Proposal from Gareth MacRitchie (Posties)
  • Proposal to play 2 three aside games starting from 701, best of either 1 leg or 3 legs, as an alternative to a beery, 3 doubles games, best of 3 legs and 6 singles games best of 5 legs.

  1. Proposal From Shane McDonald & Welcome Inn Darts Team
  • Proposal for Changing competitive rule 14 from: For league games teams should consist of 6 players with up to 6 substitutes being allowed per game


For league games teams should consist of 4 players with up to 4 substitutes being allowed per game being allowed per game.

  • Several options for match format have been proposed:

1. 1x foursome, 2x doubles, two sets of 4 singles (11 games on night).

2. 2 sets of 2x doubles, 2 sets 4 singles (alternating, 12 games)

3. 3 sets of 4 singles for 12 games.

  1. Proposal received to keep League structure of 3 leagues should there be more than 21 teams entering 21/22 season.

Grand Prixes

  1. Proposal From Gareth Pottinger (Ajax)
  • Proposal to play Grand prixes without ranking points been awarded and use the upcoming season to trial a Double Start competition for one of the Grandprixes.

IntercountyTeam/intercounty Captain

  1. Proposal Maurice Clark (WSC)
  • Proposal that the current Intercounty team and captain remains in place until the 2022 AGM. Should a fixture have not taken place by this date the current team will be unselected and qualifying process start again for 2022/23 season.